Should you level up or level down your LinkedIn content?

Hey there, coffee lovers and LinkedIn scrollers! ☕️

I’m here to spill the beans [pun intended] on why your posts might not be getting the buzz they deserve:

Long, chunky paragraphs are like that burnt coffee taste - nobody wants 'em! #yuck

Here's how to make your content as refreshing as an iced Americano:

  • Break it up, buttercup! Use bullet points like you're adding flavor shots.

  • Mobile-friendly is the new black. Optimize like you're perfecting your pour-over technique.

  • Keep paragraphs short & sweet, like espresso shots.

  • Ditch the jargon - we're not here for a coffee cupping session.

  • Simple words = happy readers. Think "coffee," not "caffeinated beverage."

  • Aim for 8th-grade reading level. If a kid can order a frappuccino, they should be able to read your post!

Remember, LinkedIn craves simplicity like we crave our morning brew. 

So, spill it:

  • What do you like to see in a post? 

    • Short and sweet?

    • Long and detailed?

  • Do you care about making your posts easy to read?

    • Or is it about getting your message out?

  • What's your secret recipe for keeping it simple?

    • Drop one tip that you use in the comments


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