From AI Skeptic to AI Whisperer

Picture this: Me, not too long ago, rolling my eyes at the mere mention of AI. "Pfft, robots writing my content? As if!" But then I had a lightbulb moment – if I didn't want to be left in the digital dust, I needed to get on this AI train ASAP.

So, I didn't just dip my toes in the AI pool – I cannonballed right in. I went from fumbling around with ChatGPT (let's be real, the results were about as impressive as my attempts at TikTok dances) to becoming a certified AI consultant in November 2023.

Now, I'm not just using AI – I'm teaching it to do backflips and cartwheels (figuratively, of course). My clients call me their AI BFF because I make this tech stuff as easy as ordering pizza online.

Grab a time with me today!

But here's the kicker: AI isn't just a fancy toy. It's a business-boosting, time-saving, mind-blowing tool that's here to stay. Check out these stats:

  • Companies using AI have seen a 40% increase in productivity (McKinsey)

  • 63% of businesses say AI has led to revenue increases (PwC)

  • AI can reduce business costs by up to 70% (Accenture)

Feeling a bit left out? Don't worry, I've got your back. But fair warning: I've only got 4 spots left in August for one-on-one AI coaching. That's right, just 4 chances to transform your business and leave your competitors wondering what hit them.

So, what'll it be? Stick with the old school and watch the AI-powered businesses zoom past you? Or join the AI party and become the talk of your industry?

The choice is yours, but those 4 spots are ticking away faster than you can say "artificial intelligence."

Ready to become an AI wizard? Hit me up and let's make some digital magic happen!

Grab a time with me today!

Still on the fence? Remember, in the time it took you to read this email, AI probably wrote a novel, composed a symphony, and solved world hunger. Okay, maybe not the last one, but you get the point. Don't get left behind – let's chat!

Grab a time with me today!


Imagine having a tireless army of AI assistants, working 24/7 to skyrocket your productivity and profits. Stop imagining and make it your reality!

Click below to unleash the most powerful business tool of the century. Learn how to use AI in my FREE webinar today!



Jacque's 90-Minute Marketing Makeover: AI Magic in Action!


Should you level up or level down your LinkedIn content?