Sunday Sucks and here's why

If you’re in a 9-5 or 8-4 or 7-3 ….. well, you get the point, Sundays can be super stressful.

I know because I lived it! At my last J-O-B I felt like I was walking on eggshells. I questioned every decision I made. Is that the correct time for the meeting, did that email have a typo, did I include everyone for the meeting, did the Board package get updated and resent? Literally I questioned everything I did - it was exhausting.

I couldn’t sleep at night and Monday became a day of depression for me. I didn’t want to get up or out of bed.  Literally there were many Mondays when I would call in sick and it wasn’t because I was actually sick,  it was because I dreaded going to work so much that I literally couldn't get out of bed… did you know there is a scientific term for this?

A 2018 LinkedIn survey found that 80 percent of professionals experience the “Sunday Scaries”. 76% of Americans self-reported having “really bad” Sunday night anxiety.

Are you tired of hating Mondays? Are you ready to CHANGE it?

Take control of your life and make the decision to do something about it. Get unstuck in that job that is sucking the life out of you.

Get on my calendar and let’s get you unstuck!

Let's Talk


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