What does the future of work look like for you?

“Will I have to go back into the office?”

You or some of your biz friends may be asking yourself this question now that the world is opening back up.

The short answer is: NO.


Because the pandemic forced many companies and organizations to evaluate how they run their business and for many of them, it’s better for both the employee and the employer to go remote. 

Think about it. Companies can reduce overhead with a reduction of office space needed and employees save time and money with no commute, casual dress, and less childcare needed.

In a report by Bloomberg, over 40% said they would resign if they were forced to go back into the office.

It’s being dubbed the GREAT RESIGNATION.

Phil Blair, Executive Officer of Manpower West, is dealing with this challenge every day. He says, “The pendulum has totally swung to the side of employees, as businesses across the board compete for workers. Employees are taking more time to consider their options and companies need to present a compelling case for their job opportunities.”

What does this mean for you?

  • Your online presence is more important than ever

  • If you’ve been thinking about changing jobs, this might be the perfect opportunity! 

  • It may be time to dust off your resume and get it updated

  • Start your research now on the companies that you want to work for and the desired job positions that you want to target.

Over the next six months the landscape will continue to change with more opportunities arising.

Will you be ready to say “yes” (and see ya later to your old job) if one pops up?

Not sure?

Well, I have something that can help you.

In just one day you can get crystal clear on how to position yourself to attract the hiring managers and recruiters in the industries you want to work in. You will be seen as the expert you are and be confident with your online presence. You’ll create your CAR Bucket statements that you can use during interviews to help you shine above the competition. And most importantly you will be able identify companies that are a good fit for you and are in alignment with your values.

Take a peek at what happened to one of my clients who said NO to the wrong job (she’d done the work and knew what type of organization would be the best fit for her). Then, just three weeks later she said YES to the *right* job (and is still working there!):


“I was at a point in my career that I needed to step back and observe my accomplishments, understand my skillset, and gain confidence in the direction I was going.

Mary was able to help me see who I am as a career woman, what I offer to companies, what I enjoy most about my skillsets, and
how to identify a company that would fit my values and ideal culture

She helped build my interview skills through exercises to understand what my red flags are in an interview process that would prepare me to turn down an opportunity, as well as, what key culture signals and traits would allow me to succeed in a company.

The return on the investment I made for myself, by deciding to work with Mary, has
multiplied significantly throughout the last 10 months I have been with my new company. Happiness is key to success and health, I'm grateful to have it now!”

Ready for me to help you identify companies that’ll be a good fit for you, what red flags to look for in an interview process, and how to know if a company a company aligns to your values?

You can book a consultation call here


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