Why The Hustle and Grind mentality is crap!

Let’s face it. Running a business is hard.

As a result, most business owners go through periods of time when they are tired, frustrated and uninspired. (raise your hand, you know you’ve felt like this- heck, I know I have).

As business owners we tend to wear about 16 different hats; Social Media Manager, Accountant, Coach, Strategist, Business Consultant, Web Designer, Copywriter... and Tech support (my least favorite hat to wear!).

The concept of "hustle and grind" to reach success is all wrong. That's how you get burnt out and crash! Burnout can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion to depression, anxiety and insomnia. I’ve suffered from all of those…. and it sucks (especially the insomnia - you can’t function well without sleep).

I’ve been learning about “how I work best” through Human Design. I’m a Projector and I work best in short spurts (2-3 hours). So I am creating this in my daily schedule. I work for 2-3 hours then go to the gym or do some housework or run errands, then work again for another 3 hours. I don’t feel so stressed when I use this schedule.

Me at the pool at our gym. My mid-morning break.

Me at the pool at our gym. My mid-morning break.

Here are a few recommendations to keep you from burning out.

Define Your Goals

One of the biggest reasons a business owner will experience burnout?

That feeling of overwhelming and not accomplishing a thing. We all have days when things don’t go as planned, and we feel as though we can’t get one thing done (that was Tuesday for me, I tried to be the IT person, but failed terribly to get my camera working with some new gear).

Do you have the medical condition commonly referred to as Glitter Glitter? Working on 10 projects at once. This isn’t the best way to reach your goals, you’ll get about ⅓ done on all those projects. Instead get clear on your GOALS.

If you’re all over the place you’ll be running in circles. #hamster

Sit down and define your goals. Then under each goal list 3 objectives you need to do to reach that goal. Accomplishing the smaller goals will help you feel in control and that you are moving forward, plus those happy endorphins running through your body will ward off any negative emotions!

Celebrate your wins! Big and Small!

Heck sometimes saying no to the cookies on the counter is a win for me!

Instead of waiting to celebrate a win when it’s over, why not celebrate the progress you’re making along the way.

I celebrated the progress I made everyday when I started working on my first Masterclass series: LinkedIn Remastered. Yep, everyday.

You don’t have to wait until you’ve achieved something major to celebrate your hard work. In fact, taking a few moments to pat yourself on the back even for the little things can help keep your attitude more positive. Give credit where credit is due and don’t feel guilty for celebrating your victories. It’s all of those little things that will eventually add up to something great.

Shave Your Schedule

As an entrepreneur, you have no choice but to wear many hats. Unfortunately, some of those tasks on your to-do list are things you simply don’t enjoy. Having to continuously participate in activities that don’t fulfill you can easily lead to depression and burnout. So, whenever possible, outsource those tasks that take a toll on you.

I have a client who is great at engagement on LinkedIn, but creating content and images for posts is not her thing. You guessed it- I create and she engages.

Take Time Off

This can be hard down right impossible (or so it seems) for some business owners. It’s scary to walk away from because it’s hard to step away from what’s consumed every waking (and sometimes even sleeping) moment of your days for as long as you can remember. But taking time off is absolutely essential to your mental and physical well-being. Not only will a break every now and again allow you to decompress and recharge your batteries, but you'll be more energized and creative. Which will help you be more productive. Doesn't make sense that you need to take time off to be more productive- but it's a scientific fact.

It's important to take time off to recharge and relax. Sure my to-do list still has tasks that need to be completed...guess what.. the world won't fall apart if I walk away from it. My business will be fine.

I have scheduled a 3-day weekend for myself. Kayaking is one of my favorite things to do in the summer.

My goal is to have a 3 day weekend every week. I'm not quite there yet, but I am working on it.

Business burnout is no fun, but it’s something almost all entrepreneurs experience at some point. You can learn how to avoid it by setting boundaries and scheduling time off on a consistent basis.


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From Extrovert to Exhaustion in 6 Days