From Extrovert to Exhaustion in 6 Days

New City, New State = creating a New Network and finding some new Business Colleagues.

Most of my friends have said to me, “Mary it’ll be easy for you to make friends and business colleagues - you’re such an extrovert” And yes, part of that statement is true, but it’s not completely accurate. And maybe in “normal” times it would be easier. But truth be told, this move and covid have had it’s ups and downs.

In these pictures I am smiling and I truly am enjoying myself. My heart was full after a week filled with meet-ups and get-togethers.

It started on Monday when I met up with Tisha and Bruce for convos and cocktails. We talked about new homes, new business ideas, travel and there might have been some talk on a couple LIVE events...shhhh.

Tuesday was my first interaction with the NSA National Speakers Association of Arizona. These are my people. I loved the time I spent getting to know what their area of expertise was, and how long they have lived in Arizona. The stories were riveting and there are many opportunities in my future with this lovely group.


Thursday it was a one-on-one with the very talented Bill Soroka.  I knew it was going to be a great night when I walked in and Bill already had a martini - that’s my kind of Biz meeting.  Bill and I had met online thanks to my friend Shelli Mitch who is kinda obsessed with him- in a business way. 

I do enjoy meeting new people and going to events - I even enjoy planning events, but it does drain me. Sunday came around and I felt exhausted, so exhausted I did nothing. At first I felt guilty and was disappointed with myself for binging Netflix.  I was burnt out from connecting all week. Don't get me wrong, I’d do it all again, but I would also allow myself to be completely unplugged on Sunday and not feel guilty.

You see, all the live shows, the in-person meetings and being “on” (that’s what we call it when you’re always talking and smiling either on camera on a LIVE show or in person at an event) is exhausting. 

I learned that I am not an extrovert but rather a Omnivert. I’ll be the life of your party, but afterwards, I need to disappear for a day or two and recharge my batteries. And I mean disappear, not answer my phone, not get dressed- totally check out. There are a few things I can do to recharge quicker.

  1. Go for a swim - this always helps. I mean it does release those happy endorphins

  2. Hydrate - keeps the headaches at bay

  3. Treat myself to a pedicure or even a at home facial 

  4. Eat clean good for me food- like a salad, don't over indulge in carbs and sweets

  5. Take a nap- naps are good at my age, I’m practicing for when I reach my dad's age!

But here’s the flip side- I can’t use it as an excuse. Sometimes you have to push through and carry on. My to-do list isn’t shrinking while I’m binge watching Netflix. So next time, I’ll plan a ½ day of rest and a ½ day of prep. That way I’ll start my week feeling prepared and refreshed.

I’d love to hear what strategies or tips you use to avoid feeling drained after so many in person events. Is it weird to even say In-Person events?


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