What’s your prickly pear?


I love a good prickly pear margarita, but I fear them too, because the first one goes down like a cold glass of lemonade and just like that, I’m on number two [2 drinks is my limit these days].

People love to consume content on LinkedIn [me included] but did you know that roughly only 3% of users create content on LinkedIn? Did the light bulb just go off in your head or the word OPPORTUNITY appear in front of you?

This is your wake-up call that you have an opportunity to:

  • Increase your brand awareness

  • Secure more business 

  • Be contacted for speaking gigs, podcast interviews and live shows

  • Get in front of more clients 

  • Be recruited and get hired

…simply by creating content because so few people are doing it!

Did you know the other day in a group coaching session I discussed content, and I asked each member what is stopping you from posting on LinkedIn? The number one response was, “I’m not sure what to post”. Now to someone who walks around saying “oh that would make a great piece of content” or telling my husband, “Hey you should post about that on LinkedIn”, it is hard for me to wrap my head around. In my world, EVERYTHING is content.

So I thought it might be helpful to share my thoughts on how to create content buckets to help you stay on top of creating great content.

So here it goes!  Today's blog is about Content Buckets.

Start by creating Content Pillars which  help you categorize your social media content and Content  Buckets help you dial it in.

Sure you might have heard of Content Pillars, but those are BIG ideas. The Content Buckets help you break it down even more.

These "buckets" help you organize branded topics that are relevant to your audience, offers and business.

Content Pillars and sub-topics [a.k.a. content buckets]
Here is an example of what these might look like [everyone’s offers and audience are different, so these are just examples].

1. Educational [adds value to the target audience and builds brand trust].

     a. Q & A’s

     b. Tutorial

     c. Strategy

     d. Resource

2.  Awareness

     a. Networking

     b. Training 

     c. Speaking 

     d. Volunteering 

3. Entertainment / Personal [light-hearted posts aimed at giving the brand a personal touch, so your audience can relate to you].

     a. Your favorite local coffee shop [it’s great to promote other local businesses]

     b. Out on a walk with your dog and a brilliant business idea pops in your head!

PLUS: Whenever you're ready...here are a few ways I can help you with YOUR business or career:

Wondering how your LinkedIn Profile stacks up? You can find out through my LinkedIn Profile Audit service! It's budget-friendly and fast. ​​​​​ Grab yours here 

Want to get it DONE AND DUSTED quickly? Book a VIP Half-Day Session with me and together, we’ll execute it ALL in  4 hours. Get all the details here , and book it here.

Part of my End-of-Year review includes looking at what tools I am using: which to keep and which to toss.

I've moved over to Honeybooks for all my invoicing, payment needs and much more. They rewarded me by giving me a 50% off discount code to share with my prestigious network. So if you are looking to make a switch and save some $$ take me up on this offer.


Don't Let Opportunities Slip Away: Master the Art of Follow-Up!


How to turn LinkedIn lurkers into engaging connections