Ready to launch a successful job search?


Ready to launch a successful job search? Applying to 10 jobs a day is not the way  to go about it. Just like with anything in life, you need to prepare.

When I lost my job in 2014, I dove into prep mode.  I created a binder with 14 colored tabs. That’s how many sections I needed.

I started with basic things like who I was, interesting job descriptions, list of companies that I would like to work out, reference lists, sample cover letters, lists of my community work, my personality tests (I had about 4 of those)  and a resume section, of course.

My point is, I got organized, did some research on myself and potential employers and 3 weeks later, when I came up for air, I started looking and applying. 

The story took twice, which I will share in the next post in this series.

But here are 3 steps to get you started:

1️⃣ Research and Target: Dive deep into your desired industry and job market. Understand the current trends, companies, and roles that align with your skills and aspirations. This knowledge will guide your search and help you identify the right opportunities.

2️⃣ Enhance Your Skills: Invest in your professional development. Identify any gaps in your skill set and take steps to fill them. Consider online courses, certifications, or workshops that will make you a stronger candidate in your chosen field. The more you grow, the more doors will open for you.

3️⃣ Perfect Your Pitch: Craft a compelling elevator pitch that succinctly communicates your value and what sets you apart. Practice articulating your skills, experiences, and career goals in a concise and engaging manner. This will come in handy during networking events, interviews, and even casual conversations.

Preparation is key to a successful job search. By targeting your efforts, enhancing your skills, and mastering your pitch, you'll be well on your way to landing that dream job. Stay motivated and keep pushing forward!

I typically don’t offer one-hour sessions, but understanding that not everyone can afford to work with me for a long term, I am offering a handful of one-hour coaching sessions. If interested, DM me for details.


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