Why I spent $1200 on my office chair


I know I know… that is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on an office chair!

It all started when I was talking to my dad about my back pain [I have DDD and have been in pain management for over a year.] My dad knows that I suffer from Chronic pain and that I also sit on my fanny all day. So he mentioned to me that I should invest in a solid chair with great support and that he had seen an ad for a high-end chair. This led me to purchase my $1200 office chair [although, I think I have some colleagues that have even more expensive chairs! ].

But let me tell you that it was worth the investment. It is very comfy, ergonomically correct and adjustable in all the right ways. It also has heat and cooling functions along with a massage feature [albetit, it’s more like a soft vibrating vs. a massage].

The point of this post? Sometimes it’s worth investing in yourself and/or your business to reduce stress and fatigue. Like the time my client told me she has spent weeks trying to create content for LinkedIn and it had caused her anguish. Is that something you struggle with? Or how Debra who works in insurance said to me “How did you do that Mary? How did you pull out all the info from me in one hour to create a profile that speaks to my ideal client and is on brand for me?” Easy– I’ve been doing this for a while now.

I’m excited to share that I am offering a new service that takes the fear and pain out of creating content for your business.

Interested in learning how you can master the content beast without going broke or pulling out your hair?


3 Invigorating Tactics to Boost your Social Selling Success


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