This one thing could be hurting your reputation


Do you find yourself spending hours crafting the perfect direct message (DM) to send to potential connections on LinkedIn, only to receive no response? If so, you're not alone. In fact, according to a recent study, only 20% of LinkedIn messages are actually read. 

So why aren't people responding to your messages? It's simple. They're not relevant. In fact, every day, I delete at least three messages that have nothing to do with me or my interests. And I'm not alone in this - many professionals on LinkedIn are inundated with messages that are clearly being sent out en masse, without any consideration for the recipient. 

If I get one more message about appointment setters or 10 new leads I swear I’m going to copy the message and post it! 

So, how can you ensure that your messages are relevant and engaging? Follow these tips:

Customize your message for each recipient. Don't send the same generic message to everyone. Take the time to research their profile, learn about their interests and professional goals, and tailor your message accordingly.

Limit your message to a few sentences. Don't ramble on about yourself or your business. Be concise and to the point.

Engage the recipient with a question or call-to-action. Ask for their opinion or advice, or invite them to connect with you to learn more about your shared interests.

Avoid using automated systems. While they may save you time, they also come across as impersonal and insincere. Take the time to send each message individually.

Respect the recipient's time. Don't send messages that have nothing to do with their interests or professional goals. They're more likely to respond if they feel that you value their time and opinions.

Remember, the key to success on LinkedIn is building meaningful connections with other professionals. Don't waste your time (or theirs) sending irrelevant messages. Instead, take the time to research your potential connections and craft customized messages that are engaging, respectful, and relevant. You'll be amazed at the response rate when you do.

Remember, according to a recent study, only 20% of LinkedIn messages are actually read. Dont’ be in the 20%!

Wondering how your LinkedIn Profile stacks up in 2023? 

You can find out through my LinkedIn Profile Audit service!

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Should I pay for LinkedIn?


LinkedIn New Feature: Star Messages