Ready to pivot- here’s 3 things you should be doing now


Are you feeling stuck in your current job? Or maybe you're thinking about moving to a new career path before the next recession hits? Whatever your reason may be, making a career pivot can be a daunting task. But don't worry, with the right strategy and mindset, you can make a successful transition.

As you sip your morning coffee ☕️, let's talk about the 3 things you should be doing now to prepare for a career pivot.

1️⃣ Grab a Cup and Ask Yourself Why You Want to Change?

Start by asking yourself why you want to make a change. Is it the culture of your organization? Or maybe it's the people you work with? Perhaps you have a passion or side hustle and you're ready to pursue full-time. Whatever it is, take a sip of your coffee and think things through. Being honest with yourself is key.

2️⃣ Coffee Break and Determine What You Want to Do

Before knowing where you're going, you need to review where you currently are. So, take a coffee break and conduct a thorough self-assessment.

Ask yourself questions like:

👉 What's your end goal?

👉 If you keep doing what you're doing, will you get closer to your ultimate goal?

👉 Is a career pivot the answer?

Write down the steps you'll need to take to make your future self proud, and don’t forget you need to think about the potential challenges you may encounter along the way. It’s not going to be all daisies and perfectly made lattes.

3️⃣ Another Cup and Plan for When the Change Will Happen

Be realistic about the time it can take for your career pivot to happen. Some transitions may take longer than others, and there will likely be challenges along the way. So, take another cup of coffee and plan for when the change will happen. Create a backup plan in case things don't go as expected.

Remember, career transitions can be messy, but they can also be a catalyst in shaping a future you can be proud of. So, take a sip of your coffee and approach it with curiosity, conviction, and commitment.

As you embark on your career pivot journey, don't forget to build and expand your network. And if you're feeling overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. Enjoy your coffee, and take it one sip and one step at a time. ☕️

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