Navigating the LinkedIn Waters: A Guide for Career Professionals and Job Seekers


It’s finally here!

It’s one of my favorite months of the year!

River and Lake season is HERE!

The Salt River is officially open and it’s time to dust off my kayak and get in the water. The first time I took the 3 hour ride down the river I was nervous and wondered how I’d do. Luckily for me I went with a seasoned pro who knew her way around and what to watch out for. We’ve gone down the river 5 times now, with her navigating those first few times. Now I am now comfortable enough to guide others.

You might be feeling the same way about LinkedIn– it’s a big body of water with over 900 million users. Do you ever feel like you might be off course and lost on LinkedIn?

Here’s a few questions I get asked:

  • New features – which ones should you use?

  • What to post?

  • When to post?

  • Tagging - what’s that? And why should I tag someone?

  • Company page? Do I need one as a soloprenuer? 

  • Personal Profile (isn’t that where your resume goes to die?)

  • Background Banner - what should it say?

  • And let’s not forget messaging etiquette 

As a career professional or job seeker, you know the importance of making a splash in the job market. And, in today's digital age, having a strong LinkedIn presence is essential for making waves. But, just like kayaking, posting on LinkedIn can be a bit intimidating for beginners. Don't worry, though, I’m here to help you navigate the LinkedIn waters with ease!

Choose Your Destination: Define Your Objectives

  1. Before hopping in the kayak and setting off, it's important to know where you're headed. In the same way, before posting on LinkedIn, it's essential to define your objectives. Are you looking to build your personal brand, network with industry professionals, or showcase your skills and experience? Having a clear goal in mind will help guide your content and engagement on the platform.

Paddle with Purpose: Craft Compelling Content

2. Once you know your destination, it's time to start paddling. And, when it comes to LinkedIn, crafting compelling content is key. Whether you're sharing a blog post, an article, or a personal update, make sure it's engaging, informative, and relevant to your target audience. Also, don't forget to add a touch of personality to your posts to make them stand out in the crowded LinkedIn feed.

Navigate the Rapids: Engage with Your Network

3. Just like kayaking, navigating the LinkedIn waters can be a bit challenging at times. But, the key to success is engagement. Reach out to your network, comment on posts, and join LinkedIn groups to connect with like-minded professionals. By engaging with others, you'll not only increase your visibility on the platform, but you'll also have the opportunity to build valuable relationships.

Make a Splash: Measure Your Success

4. Finally, it's important to measure your success and make adjustments as needed. Take a look at your LinkedIn analytics to see how your posts are performing and what changes you can make to improve your results. Just like kayaking, the key to success is constant improvement and learning from past experiences.

Did you know?

  • LinkedIn has over 900 million users worldwide.

  • 40% of LinkedIn users are active daily.

  • 92% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find potential candidates.

  • But only 5% of users are creating content on regular basis 

Staying afloat with your content on LinkedIn can be a challenge, but don't worry, I'm here to help. If you need some support or guidance, feel free to reach out. Let's make a big splash together!


Job Search Strategy


Content is like a CUPCAKES