How do I do LinkedIn content marketing?


I had the pleasure of contributing to this article published by Terkel about “Content Marketing on LinkedIn”.
We covered everything from being authentic in your content to repurposing evergreen posts.Here is a breakdown of the topics:

  • Start by Being Authentic and Genuine

  • Add Value Instead of Selling

  • Educate the Community, Rather Than Entertain

  • Align Your Content With Your Target Audience

  • Stay Tuned With New LinkedIn Features and Trends

  • Allocate Time to Comment on Other Posts

  • Create and Test a Posting Schedule

  • Find the Sweet Spot of Posting Frequency

  • Use Blog-Type Posts With Insights Relevant to Your Industry

  • Be Relevant

  • Have Your Own Voice

  • Talk With Your Audience Instead of At Your Audience

  • Harness the Upside of LinkedIn Content Marketing

  • Try to “Content Multiply”

…and here is my contribution:

Start by Being Authentic and Genuine

Being authentic doesn’t mean sharing every detail of your life, but it means opening up and sharing parts of it with your followers. I like to use the 80/20 rule: 80% professional and 20% personal.

We all know that people do business with people they know, like, and trust. If all you are posting about is, “ 50% off sale on your mastermind group” or an event where you spoke that isn’t building trust. It’s building awareness of what you do. Building trust starts with being you, sharing your thoughts, and allowing your connections to really get to know you and what’s important to you. So while LinkedIn is a professional platform, you still need to “infuse” who you are into your content marketing strategy.

So many great contributors! Check out the full article here:


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