96,000 hours in a lifetime

Do you have “Make a Career Move” on your list for 2023?

Did you know that the average adult will work 96,000 hours in their lifetime?

That’s equivalent to 24% of our lives (approx. 13 full years), the second most time-consuming activity in our existence, the first being sleep! 

Can you imagine spending thousands of hours unfulfilled by the work you do or the organization you work at? Wasting the majority of your waking hours to unhappiness?

I can because I did just that, and it’s not uncommon for our society to promote this resilience either.

I loved the organization and the work I did at my last full-time job, at least for the first 7 years, but the last 3 were awful. The direction had changed, my boss had changed and it was no longer a good fit for me...but I stayed anyway. Why? Because change is hard.

And going it alone, navigating the career search path by yourself is overwhelming, confusing and frustrating.

Women especially have a hard time leaving a job. Out of selfless love for their families or loved ones, they often wait for everything to be perfect. The kids going to school or the kids going off to college. Or worse… They wait til they have hit the top of their financial goals to feel fully secure to admit their dissatisfaction or stress with their professional lives.

I’ve been through that, and I’m here to tell you:
You're worthy of finding a career that lights you up, one that has meaning and purpose.


You're worthy of finding a career that lights you up, one that has meaning and purpose NOW.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4 million Americans quit their jobs in last year-July 2021. 

That number is underheard of!

“The volume at which people are changing jobs is unprecedented,” Ian Cook, Visier’s vice president of people analytics, tells CNBC Make It, which he says isn’t surprising given the way people have reevaluated their work and personal values during the pandemic, but it’s catching employers by surprise nonetheless. (Jennifer Liu, CNBC). So why does this matter to you? Because this is your time #jobseekers!

Yes, the pandemic had a negative impact on all of us, but there is a beautiful silver lining. For the first time in a really long time, it is a job seekers market. Meaning that you, my friend, the job seeker, have the upper hand.

There are around 10.1 million open jobs waiting for you to explore. At least hundreds that fit the description of exactly what you’re seeking. What are you waiting for? 

Don’t let another hour pass you by without taking action to redefine your future.

Time is moving forward. Are you?

Freeing yourself to become a happier version of yourself will benefit all your loved ones in the long term too. There is nothing selfish about prioritizing your fulfillment.

I will meet you when you are in the career search process and help you make it to the finish line!

I am taking 3 new clients to end the year with. Why only 3?
Because I know how difficult making a change truly can be (emotionally, mentally, and physically).
It’s often not a linear path, so I work one-on-one with each client and dedicate my time to each project and that, my friend, means limiting how many clients I work with at one time.

Don’t let FEAR hold you back any longer.

Don’t CHOOSE to settle for a job that doesn’t light you up because you’re scared of letting go of everything you know.

Life is too short, tomorrow is not promised. Take the first step and book a call with me.

Are you ready to make a change?

Let’s talk about the next steps in your new career.



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