Why you should use LinkedIn Events to grow your business


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Can I be frank with you? It's noisy on here. There I said it! It's getting more difficult to be heard and seen on LinkedIn, but I have a secret to share with you on a way you can get known and be found......

LinkedIn Events!

Like this LIVE show or an Audio Event or a Masterclass or even a Roundtable. All of these start with a LinkedIn Event and I'm going to show you how easy it is to set one up and get some traction.

This is the perfect tool for coaches and consultants, so check "attending" so you get the reminder and grab your laptop and iced latte and join me for the down and dirty of LinkedIn Events.

See below the show’s transcription:

It's noisy on here. It's noisy on all the social media platforms and even on LinkedIn. It's noisy. There I said it. It's getting more difficult to be heard and seen on LinkedIn. But I have a secret that I want to share with you guys today. An easier way for you to get known and be found for your expertise. It's called LinkedIn events, like this show right here or my audio events the B show we go live every Monday, my co-host, Laura Bashore and I where we talk about career stuff.

A LinkedIn event can really increase your visibility, your credibility and get you more traction. So there's live events like this. There's audio events, you can do masterclasses roundtables, and we're going to dive in to the nuts and bolts of these in just a few minutes. I feel that LinkedIn events are a great tool for coaches, consultants, trainers, I'm not quite sure for products, but you can let me know if you feel differently about that.

Thanks for joining. I'm Mary Fain Brandt and this is 15 minutes of FAIN. I'm the FAIN. You can find me here every Tuesday at 12pm Pacific Daylight Time. With a really quick show. It's 15-20 minutes, supposed to be 15 but I talk too much. So it's 15 minutes giving you a LinkedIn to business development tip or reviewing my favorite apps and programs. But a big shout out to StreamYard and I just realized I need to move remove my ticker there. StreamYard is the easiest tool to go live. So that's what I use to create this show and there's fun things that you can do with it. The banners the music, the intro video an outro video bringing comments on the screen. And it's as easy as hitting a button right up here to start broadcasts, and then end broadcasts. So I'm gonna drop affiliate links in the chat a little bit later. And if you guys are interested in learning how to go live, or you're ready to level up your live streaming game, just sign up with that affiliate link. And I'll help you get set up. I provide a 15 minute free session on it because it's such an amazing tool. You know what, here? Let's, let's drop that right in the comments. And then we're just going to talk all about all about my favorite thing, which are events.

Why LinkedIn events? Well, 2020 We all know what happened. Everybody jumped online, right? And introduced us to fatigue or the never-ending webinars, who signed up for every webinar that was coming across their screen, their email, their LinkedIn, their Facebook, because we were trying to connect with people, right? So it wasn't a bad thing. But I feel that people are over these big webinars, masterclasses Summit. You know, what's working really well, right now are smaller events. And that's something that you can do successfully over here on LinkedIn, you know, to have more intimate conversations.

Right now with smaller events are working more intimate, you can have those conversations. So let's go over why you should think about creating a LinkedIn event and not just one, but maybe be consistent about it doesn't have to be every week, maybe it's once a month, maybe it's twice a month. But you do need to think about using LinkedIn events to increase your credibility, your visibility and to get known and found. So number one, they're still free. Yeah, you don't have to pay Yeah, have a LinkedIn event. Okay, you can't number two, you can show your expertise, you can create the format, so 15 minutes, 20 minutes, a half hour, it wouldn't make them too long and less. It's like a masterclass series, and we'll talk about what that would look like. It's a great way to showcase your expertise, and to have real conversations with your ideal clients, referral partners and brand ambassadors like my buddy bez, he's become a brand ambassador, because he we actually met on LinkedIn live show. It's a great way to showcase your expertise doesn't really cost you anything like you can create events for nothing. Tools cost you some things, but you can create the event on LinkedIn for nothing. So that's huge. Here's what a great byproduct of creating an event is, it really expands your network, you can grow your network with amazing professionals that sign up for your event. Your guest speakers can invite up to 1000 people, you can message the people that sign up for your events, right, so you can start cultivating those relationships. And you can message them afterwards, because all of that stays right there. It doesn't disappear once the event is over. And you can continue to nurture the relationship, maybe send them a freebie, get them on a call. Or maybe it's just someone you want to get to know better.

Now let's talk about themes of events. You could do a brainstorming business session, you know, maybe you need to do research on your industry, create a small event, what we call a roundtable and invite you know, maybe 10 business professionals. To do a little research say that you want to do a brainstorming session and talk about what's working in branding right now and what's not, or what's working as a career coach and what not, it will help you have better marketing. It'll help you understand industry trends, and I'll help you start creating those referral partners. You can do an informational show like this. So my show was really informational, right? I'm here to train and teach you guys all about LinkedIn business development, and my favorite apps and programs. You can do ask the expert with a guy If you have another guest on the show, interviewing, interviewing an expert is a great way. That's how I started my other show bite-sized tips for busy entrepreneurs. We ran that show for four years. And that really grew my network, and helped position me as the LinkedIn expert in my circle. And then my all-time favorite is called the AMA asked me anything, or as I call it asked Mary, anything. So we try to do those maybe once a month, every other month, where one of the live shows will be like, ask me anything, and I'll answer it. And you think about LinkedIn careers, business development. Now I know that this is a passion of and this is one reason we bonded is that we both do LinkedIn events.

Let's talk about the different types of events. And I'd love your feedback and thoughts on this. So LinkedIn live like this one, that's one, you can also do pre recording. So if you get too nervous, maybe you want to pre-record the video and have some editing done. But with a tool like stream yard, this one, you can schedule pre-recorded videos to go up, you can still be present, but you can still be in front of your audience, right. And you can schedule it for the first of the month, or the 15th of the month, or Tuesday's whatever it is. Audio events are really hot on LinkedIn, that's still an event you guys, even though it's not face to face, audio events are like an interactive podcast. And if you haven't checked one out, please drop by the B show where we drink coffee and talk about career tips and trends. Mondays at 7am Pacific Daylight Time, you'll see if you go to events, and I'm going to show you where to find events in just a moment. And then if you're doing like a master class or that roundtable, you might want to use Zoom. Right? So you want to take them off. So in the event, you can actually put an external registration link. What's so great about that, is where you collect the emails, when you collect the email, you can nurture the attendees via email with a welcome series, a thank you email, and a hey, let's jump on a call email. So I think those are really amazing. So this is, yeah, she So Anna and I, we agree that LinkedIn live is an amazing way to grow your network really, really fast. And also to have a broader reach, right, you have a much broader reach when you go live. And the thing is, you guys with LinkedIn live, might only have 10 people show up, but they live forever. So people watch the replays.

Now, I just want to show you a couple things, because we keep this to 15 minutes. I'm going to go away from my live show that's going on. And let's share my screen and show you exactly how easy it is to set up a LinkedIn event. We are going there we go. There we go. So this is just my homepage. And let me take this off. Thank you, Anne. And right over here, I'm going to bring that in front of me because I have multiple screens. I'm like looking everywhere. So right here in the news, hey, Fanny, my fanny, you're just gonna go right over here. You have recent groups and events. So this is where you can find events. Like if you're like, what are these events all about? How do I find them, they don't make it super easy, where we can put events on our profile. So you want to go over here to events. And the B show that I was talking about is right here. And you'll see they're lined up there in date order. So right here is the B show this was an audio event, if you haven't experienced an audio event, drop by say hi. It's very casual. And we're here to help our career professionals. So when you want to add an event, you simply click on that. Now you're gonna want to have a cover image already created, right? And you can do that in Canva as your organizer now this is important. Is it online or in person, online or in person? So we do LinkedIn local, which is in person here in Phoenix, the event format, you have three different types now so LinkedIn live is what we're doing now. LinkedIn audio is my show on Monday. But if I wanted to do like a masterclass, I have master it with Mary, I would do an external link. Okay, and then I would grab a I would set up zoom. Right and I will put that link in there. And then basically like here, we'll do the be show. Start Date and day on audio events. I would totally set that time. for at least an hour, right? Because I set it for half an hour, because that's how long we want our event to go. But it goes a little longer. And anyone after that 30 minutes, the end time, they cannot join an audio event. Here's where you would put, like the Zoom meeting. So I could do I could actually do this. This is funny because I think I actually need to do this, I need to create my LinkedIn local event. And then you just go down and put the description, you put the speakers in, and you know what, include yourself as a speaker. And then you know what, I'm going to include my buddy Bruce, who was my co-host. And then you're going to go next. And you're going to share it.

It's that easy to set up an event. Now you do need to invite people manually and you can only invite your first degree connection. So what is going on over here? So I met Mary fain Brandt through the audio event you did? Yeah, Fannie and I did an audio that was Karen Tuesday. All that was amazing. And Lisa, thanks for joining us today, Lisa's over on Facebook. And Fannie says you know what, there you go. The power of connections you meet online and audio events. So if you are trying to grow your network, expand your network, reach more people build your brand, I want you to really consider doing events over on LinkedIn. Now. If you need help, why not? I can offer you a strategy session. We can go through it all I can give you best practices. I can tell you that on my website, I think how to set up an audio event. That article is all done the LinkedIn event article blog slash whatever is coming out in about a week. But I also do one-hour strategy sessions for that.

I love doing these lives and the audio. So I can meet other amazing people. So thank you so much for joining us today. So you guys, this is it. We are at 1213 I just want you to think about doing LinkedIn events to build your brand, increase your visibility, increase your credibility and showcase your talents. Okay, so don't forget stream yard as the amazing platform that I used to go live I put my affiliate links in the comments and I'll put some other links down there to help you what else I'm under percent agree lives have become my pillar content and goes on I create a lot of LinkedIn lives for people that are doing workshops on Zoom. When you use your business patients at the event you can collect email addresses are the people that Mark attending. Yeah, and that is another bonus is setting it up on your company page or personal profile. It really depends on what the outcome is that you want and I think where you're at in your business so that is amazing. Thank you all for joining me. I'm Mary Fain Brandt, this is 15 minutes of FAIN. You can find me here every Tuesday with a real quick business tip LinkedIn tip or reviewing my favorite apps and programs. Don't forget to ring the bell on my profile to get notified of all my content. Take care everyone!

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