What to do when you get laid off


Layoffs are tough.  Not only do they hit your wallet, they can also feel like a knife stabbing at your pride.  I know how they feel. I’ve been through a few layoffs in my career.

Don’t let it catch you by surprise, that only adds to the stress of being laid off. 

Here are a few tips to help you prepare or get through a layoff:

  1. Take care of yourself. If you’re swirling out of control, how can you be at your best? Get outside and soak up some sunshine and fresh air. It can do wonders for your mental health.

    Give yourself time to process what is happening. Don’t jump right into a job search.

  2. Update your LinkedIn and Resume ASAP! Actually, you should be updating both of these items on a regular basis so that you are prepared for an opportunity when it pops up. Make sure to add any new certifications and be sure to highlight your biggest accomplishments.

  3. Network like your career depends on it, because it does.

    Check out this video with my colleague Brenda Meller here.

    Don’t be embarrassed that you got laid off- most people have been laid off at some point in their careers. The thing here is to hold your head high, but share with everyone (past co-workers, family friends, members of groups, and on LINKEDIN… tell everyone! You just never know who will make an introduction that could change the whole trajectory of your career!

  4. Get serious. Applying for any and all job that is halfway appealing to you is not a strategy. We call that throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something will stick. An exercise I have my clients complete is to identify 5 companies they would LOVE to work at. There doesn't need to be an open position. The idea here is to get focused. Now start researching these companies. Follow them on LinkedIn, connect with employees, past employees and if possible, the decision makers. You have to take action at this stage. Ask for introductions, set up informational coffee meetings, and apply for open roles. You have to be assertive in this stage and follow up.

    “Not following up with your prospects is the same as filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain.”
    ― Michelle Moore, Selling Simplified

  5. This one might be a tad challenging. Stay positive. Nothing is worse than interviewing someone who has a negative outlook. Attitude is everything, folks. Keep yours positive.

    You might not be able to see the light through the storm clouds, but remember there is sunshine on the other side of your layoff. Trust me on this! Sometimes an exit is needed so you can go through a new door. Each time I was laid off it hit me hard. I was devastated. But truthfully, something much better always came along.

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