How to Network like a PRO (with less stress)



It’s back! In Person Networking is back and I couldn't be happier!

The first thing you need to know to be a rockstar at networking is be YOURSELF!

If you don’t know yourself, how can you communicate who you are and what you do?

The second thing to do. Stop overthinking it. Just be yourself. (do YOU see a theme here?)

If you don't know your strengths, your secret sauce of what makes you unique, you won't be able to communicate that to others.

Here are some more tips.

  1. The Rule of 3. It’s not about meeting EVERYONE in the room. Instead focus on making 3 new connections, but be INTENTIONAL.

    a. Someone who can make a meaningful introduction.

    b. Someone you might be able to collaborate with.

    c. Someone who might be a c[potential client.

  2. Dress it up. Not formal wear, but you shouldn’t wear yoga pants and flip flops.

    a. Business casual is perfectly accepted.

    b. Check for stains and tears or frayed edges. It’s been awhile since you’ve worn that dress or that button up shirt!

  3. Prep and Plan.

    a. Know the location and the parking situation BEFORE the day of the event.

    b. Check out who else is attending. Look them up on LinkedIn and connect prior to the event.

Bonus TIP. Show how tech savvy you are by using the scan feature on LinkedIn to easily connect in person.

I show you how to do this on the video below.


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If you need help in identify your greatness and packaging it so you can get known and be found, let’s start with a one hour strategy session. This session is perfect for Career professionals who are trying to stand out against their competitors. You’ll have a clear picture of your strengths and how to showcase them along with a boost in your confidence which will be noticed when you walk in a room, give a presentation or go for that big interview!

Book a strategy session here: