Tips to Overcoming Perfectionism


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Flaws, imperfections, errors… all things we avoid.

Why is that?
Why are we trying to be perfect when perfection is an illusion?

Have the Kardashians rubbed off on us with their perfect hair, make-up and wardrobe (although that one is questionable).

Were we always this hung up on being perfect or did social media set the bar for us?

I admit it.. I can get lost watching dance videos on tik-tok, and then it happens.. I think I can never dance again in public because I can’t dance like those people.

When did we start comparing ourselves to strangers on social media?

The bigger question is how can we stop it? How can we overcome trying to be perfect and instead focus on being people?

These photos of us are real and raw. We are far less than perfect in these photos. Heck, mine looks like a mug shot, Karen has mascara running down her face and Fanny looks tired.

We were a little apprehensive about using such raw photos of us, but I convinced them that if we were talking about perfectionism we needed to stand in our truth and use photos that were the farthest thing away from perfectionism. No filters, no make-up no perfect lighting. 

Perfectionism leads to procrastination. Procrastination leads to time-wasted.

Being perfect should be something we all strive for right? WRONG. 

Here are just a few reasons Why being perfect a bad thing.

  • Perfectionism can deplete our self-esteem, ruin our self confidence, and sabotage our happiness.

  • It can lead to high levels of  stress, fear of being judged or worries of inadequacy. 

  • Mental health issues like anxiety, OCD, stress and insomnia are often linked to perfectionism. 

  • Have you ever thought, “If I’m not shooting for perfection, than I must be a lazy?” That is a real issue for those who strive to be perfect. This was me about 10 years ago. 

  • Sometimes perfectionists fear of failure is so terrifying that they procrastinate, because they would rather not do something at all if it can’t be done perfectly. #me Still working o this one and I personally think it’s more of having the right amount of time blocked off so I can concentrate on the task at hand.

 So how do we overcoming or push away our desire to be perfect?

Here are 10 tips that I think you can take action on today to start letting go of being perfect.

Tips to Overcome Perfectionism

  1. Note down the advantages and disadvantages of being a perfectionist. … really… take 5 minutes and make a list of the cons and pros. Be honest with yourself.

  2. Set achievable goals for yourself. ...Rome wasn’t built in a day and you can’t master something new in a day or loose 20 lbs or write your best-selling book in 3 weeks. 

  3. Time block and set time limits for tasks and make sure to follow them. Otherwise you might spend 3 hours on something that really should only take 1 hour.

  4. Avoid procrastination. ...waiting to the last minute is not the answer.

  5. Remember that mistakes are not bad. ...they are learning opportunities.

  6. Pursue different things that matter to you and make you happy.

  7. Focus on the positives

  8. Allow yourself to make mistakes, in fact try things you know you will fail at so you can embrace making mistakes.

  9. Focus on Meaning Over Perfection. Shift your focus on the meaning of what you are doing, rather than trying to do it perfectly. If something brings us joy and purpose, then it doesn’t matter if it’s not done perfectly. 

  10. Try Not to Procrastinate. This is a hard one for me still. Perfectionists can be notorious procrastinators, giving themselves an excuse to slack off it they can’t ensure that they do their work perfectly. It creates more stress in the long run.

    Think of it this way: You know you have to bake a cake for party. You wait til 3 hours before the event to bake the cake and realize you are missing ingredients and run to the store frantically but can’t find them so know you try to substitute those missing ingredients and your cake bombs terribly. It is dry and you are embarrassed now you have to run back to the store and by a sheet cake with Congratulations to the graduate on it because that;s all they have left.  If only you hadn’t procrastinated. 

So what steps will you put into place to be less perfect? 

Drop me a note and let me know!