FEAR 😳 Do you hide from it or look it dead in the eye?


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FEAR  do you hide from  it like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand or do you stare it down like your in a contest with a sibling?

↔️ Fear can be both a blessing and a curse.

↔️ It can hold you back or launch you forward.

↔️ It can make you stronger or it can break you down.

Look FEAR lives in us. It’s human nature to be fearful

It can be something as simple as a fear of spiders, clowns or frogs.
I mean clowns do look a little scary with those grimacing red smiles - I mean look at the Joker!

What weird fear do you have?

Me? Glass breaking in mouth. It’s odd, but I have this fear that the wine glass will break in my mouth. #ouch

Many of my clients FEAR posting on LinkedIn.

And that stops them dead in their tracks  from ever posting content at all.

  • Will they offend someone?

  • Will they get engagement?

  • Who are they to post on LinkedIn?

  • What makes them a Subject Matter Expert (just theri 20+ years in said industry)

  • Will people lash out at them?

  • Will people think their opinion is wrong or silly?

These are fears in our heads that are unjustified. We can’t possibly know what other people are thinking and we can’t possible be insync with everyones opinions and beliefs. ll we can do is be ourselves, the best version of ourselves.

Other common fears include:

  • Fear of not being good enough

  • Fear of backlash

  • Fear of criticism

  • Fear of change

  • Fear of losing friends (we moved in 2020 and I had a fear that I wouldn’t be as close to my SD friends. That didn’t happen!)

Most of our fears will never happen. We won’t be struck by lightning, a clown won’t climb out of the gutter (thanks Stephen King) and I won’t have a wine glass break in my mouth!

Let’s talk about fear in our businesses.

Fear is centered on the potential consequences of success

  • Like sacrifices and losses.

    • Sacrificing time with your family.

  • Loss of freedom.

  • Loss of money when starting a business. 

  • People are afraid of what success MIGHT COST THEM.

    • Will you lose yourself in your success?

Which leads us to mindset. If we go into something with the fear of failing…well we might just talk ourselves into that. 

Instead, we need to change our mindset, release the fears and have a mindset of “I’m gonna crush this!” Whether it is learning a new program, serving a client, closing a sales call, speaking to an audience or starting a new business.

Let’s talk about the FEAR of SPEAKING. 

Many people have a fear of public speaking - me included. #Truthbomb

Wait you don't’ believe me? Yes, it’s true I still get nervous after doing this “live streaming” thing for nearly 5 years. 

Last week I presented to a group where I am one of several LinkedIn Experts and my FEAR was taking over. Afterall, I would be talking about LinkedIn Optimization and these were experts that I looked up to, along with 1500 other members in this Mastermind group!

I had to remember that I teach and train this every week, I am an expert in this field. My fear is “Will I teach them everything they wanted to learn?  That is unrealistic! I certainly didn’t learn LinkedIn in one short hour, let alone a 20 minutes presentation.

Our FEARS are unrealistic, unwarranted and unnecessary.

I do believe a little fear is always good.It gets you to produce your best work, it makes you care about what you are doing. It shouldn’t control you, it shouldn't prevent you from it should propel you.

Here are 4 things you can do to prevent and overcome your fears.
1.Be positive

2.Create your success library.

Sometimes when we lose trust in ourselves we just need a little bit of inspiration to push us in the right direction. There are plenty of ways to find inspiration, but we forget about them when we need them the most.

Create a library of quotes, save articles and success stories that have inspired you, create a library of inspiring movies and videos, or create an album of your fun and happy memories. Turn to this library whenever you have self doubts.

3. Success is not a destination. It’s a journey, and it’s important that we take each step feeling grounded and balanced or with wine.. Im really not sure.

4. If you have a fear of something you just have to educate yourself about it. It is like walking into a dark room. At first you feel scared and don’t know what to expect but once you turn the light on, everything gets clear and simple. When I worked in corporate I kept all the thank you cards I received from clients and vendors in a bright pink folder. It was my happy folder. I’d look at those notes from time-to-time when I was having a rough day.
Music is something else that immediately lifts my mood and moves me from a negative attitude to a positive one.