Melted Ice Cream

The other day I was at Trader Joe’s (one of my favorite grocery stores). They have unique items, their own brand and sell things in realistic sizes (not extra jumbo - enough to feed your family for 6 months like Costco. Don’t get me wrong I’m a Costco Fan, but not when it comes to ice cream.🍦

I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, always have since my childhood days at Thrifty Ice Cream and their 3 scoops for .15 cents. (yea, I know that just aged me - whatever~)

Okay back to TJ’s (that’s what we all call it) they had a box of mini chocolate chip sandwiches - yum! I tossed those right into my basket along with 20 other items.

Earlier I had picked up a birthday gift before TJ’s so when I got home, I grabbed the birthday gift and realized I was starving so I made dinner, facetimed with my bestie, Shelli in SD and 90 minutes later, realized I didn’t unload my groceries!!

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We get so busy that we forget the little things, like ice cream.

I’m hoping that this story will prompt you to slow down, take some time off and enjoy some ice cream.

Has this ever happened to you?

Please tell me I’m not the only one!

Let me know what melted in your car.😂

Ironically I’m writing this on National Ice Cream day! And we just enjoyed some ice cream in Ocean Beach. Hubby had a Salted Caramel- Chocolate Chip sandwich and I enjoyed a sugar free Black Cherry double scoop!

What’s your favorite ice cream? Or better yet do you have a dairy free ice cream you like? I’m on a search for a brand that has a variety of flavors.


I play well in the mud - The proof is below


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